
Automatic sugarcane farm 1.10
Automatic sugarcane farm 1.10

Music Discs drop only when a skeleton or stray kills the creepers, requiring special setup beforehand.ĭrowned drop tridents and nautilus shells only if they spawned with these. Spawns in Nether fortresses and at spawners. Wither skeletons, however, have a small chance to drop theirs no matter the cause of death, but still always drop them when killed via charged creeper.

automatic sugarcane farm 1.10

Note that zombie, skeleton, and creeper heads drop only if killed by a charged creeper. Player-caused drops and experience can be obtained only when the monster is killed directly by the player or a tamed wolf. The following is a table of mobs that can be effectively farmed and their usual and player-caused drops. Automatic killing prevents certain drops and experience, but is safer as the player is not required to be near the mobs. What a mob farm produces depends on location and the type of grinder used to kill the mobs. One could try to funnel the mobs through Nether Portals to circumvent the restrictions. This reduces the amount of functioning farm designs considerably. The Nether is difficult to farm, as water evaporates and most mobs are immune to fire. Superflat worlds provide higher spawn rates than other worlds, as the missing air pockets underground reduce the amount of dark places. You can also locate your base below it to ensure that you are always close enough to spawn monsters. To produce loot, you must stay at the height of the farm.įarms constructed under an ocean can provide the best during day and night, as the ocean limits the viable spawn locations to open areas underground except for drowned, which spawn underwater. However, building one in survival is rather dangerous, and due to their height they stop working completely when you descend underground to mine resources. Due to the rules Minecraft applies to spawning mobs, this makes the choice of a location for the mob farm a difficult problem.įarms placed on the surface can provide good drop rates during the day, when it is one of the few spots of dark ground, but has a sharp drop in effectiveness during nighttime, when the entire surface is dark enough to support mob spawning.įarms built underground have a time-independent drop rate, and remain within your personal spawn range for hostiles when you go mining, but their effectiveness depends on the amount of unlit caverns in your vicinity, which provide alternative places for mobs to spawn.įarms floating high in the sky can achieve the best spawn rates during the day and night and you are far away from caves, as they represent the only viable spawn ground. The purpose for the farm is to provide a large area that is a viable spawn position for the intended targets, and to kill the mobs quickly.

  • 3.3.3 Large chamber fully automatic design.
  • Have a chest on top for the item to be smelted, and at the back, put a fuel chest. Making two furnaces increases the rate of production much faster. Multiplayer: On servers that have chest and furnace protections, you may have to unlock these before the hoppers are able to interact with them. The fuel hopper on the side never needs to be switched off. Switching off the top hopper allows you to fill the top chest with various items, then eventually smelt them all in one go, reducing the fuel waste normally incurred by smelting partial stacks. Switching off the bottom hopper stops it from taking items out, allowing you to collect the experience from smelting them. Variations: You may choose to add switches to control the hoppers.
  • Step 5: Place a chest on top of each hopper attached to the furnace.
  • (The top one will insert the items into the furnace, which get smelted / cooked The hopper on any side-face inputs burnable fuels into the furnace)
  • Step 4: Place one hopper on the top and 1 hopper on the side (left, right, front, or back) of the furnace.
  • Step 3: Place the furnace on top of the hopper.
  • (This will be the chest in which the smelted/cooked items will be put)
  • Step 1: Place down a chest on the ground.
  • Otherwise you will open the block instead of placing the block. Sneak (hold down ⇧ Shift) to attach blocks to each block that has an inventory, such as attaching a hopper to a chest.

    automatic sugarcane farm 1.10 automatic sugarcane farm 1.10

    #Automatic sugarcane farm 1.10 how to#

    See below for a step-by-step guide on how to make this semi-automatic furnace design. The raw ingredients for this would be 8 cobblestone, 15 iron ingots, and 12 logs of wood (48 planks). You will need 3 chests, 3 hoppers, and 1 furnace. This semi-automatic design uses hoppers, and is not too difficult to build and is inexpensive.

    Automatic sugarcane farm 1.10